Scene: A hazel-eyed girl, golden blonde hair in one thick braid, sits cross-legged. She wears a blue Aero t-shirt and black knit shorts with green thread on the hemline, and nods her head to music coming through her headphones. She writes in the notebook on her lap, and a tent comes into focus. This is followed by three girls and a boy. The blonde, clearly a vampire, softly talks with the tall, black-haired boy. A redhead girl sits beside the original girl, braiding the long brown hair of the final, petite girl.

Me: *Sings* “I, I keep on running. I’m building bridges that I know you never wanted. Look for my heart, you stole it away...”

Fayne: *Raises hand* “M, you’re singing again.” *Looks at iPod* “And what is that thing? Is that supposed to be an owl?”

Me: “What? Oh. Nothing.” *Turns off music and takes out headphones* “Hello, and welcome to... drumroll please..... episode four of Their Suppression season 1. Sorry for the missed episodes, I was at the wonderful camp known as MAD (Music and Drama) camp. So now for today’s episode: If I Could Change Myself.”

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