Episode 2, Season 1: A Later Henry and Mind Wipes:

Scene: A blonde-haired girl sits cross-legged on the dirt floor of  a large tent. She wears short jean shorts, a blue t-shirt with a wordle about somewhere called Shrine Mont, and orange converse over mismatched socks. She writes something in her notebook, and three more girls and a boy appear. The boy has messy black hair and blue eyes, and wears a long shirt and leggings. A petite brunette girl rests her head on the boy’s knee. She has fawn-colored eyes and wears a tunic with leggings. The second new girl is clearly a vampire, with purple eyes, blonde hair over a scarred face, and pearly white fangs. The final person is a redhead, her curls loose and wild and her green eyes energetic. The brunette lifts up her head.

Amilee: “M? We should get started.”

Writer M: *Looks up from conversation with Natalia*  “Oh! Right. Hello, readers! Welcome to Their Suppression. Season 1, episode 2: A Later Henry and Mind Wipes.”

Fayne: “Hello.”

Henry and Natalia: “Hi.”

Writer M “How are you today, reader, dear?” *Pauses* “Good, good. Well, I’d like to start right away. The first question is from Clara, for all of the characters: ‘What would all the characters do if they found themselves in our world?’ Henry?”

Henry: “What do you mean by ‘our world’?”

Writer M: *Leans over and temporarily implants knowledge about Earth into their minds*

Episode 1, Season 1: Introduction:

Scene- One girl sits in a tent, scribbling in the Paris-themed notebook on her lap. She has thick curly dark blonde hair, which hangs loose around her shoulders, and wears a navy and purple striped short-sleeve t-shirt, longer jean shorts, and bright orange converse, which brings out the orange in her hazel eyes. She is of average height. She pauses, then writes a bit more. Suddenly, four girls and a boy sit around a polished mahogany table. The second girl is petite, with braided long brown hair and creamy skin. She has light brown eyes and wears a tan tunic and gray woolen leggings, with her legs crossed delicately at her ankles. Sitting beside her on the gray sofa is a tall redhead. She has bright green eyes and wears a green dress. The final girl sits across from the first one, her long, light blonde hair partially covering the scars that runs across her forehead and down by the end of each ear. She has bright violet eyes, and wears loose brown pants and a short white tunic, with a light violet cloak. The tall boy sits beside her, with shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes. The hazel-eyed girl speaks.

Writer M: “Hello, and welcome to the first episode of Their Suppression. ”

Fayne: “A comedy interview series about Writer M’s book Amilee (the first book of the Our Salvation Trilogy). I’m Fayne, the girl next to me is Amilee, the boy is Henry-”

Writer M: “I’m Writer M, and the girl across from me is Natalia. Now, I know they’re a lot of these comedy series recently, but I’ve wanted to do one for ages.”

Henry: “Hi, readers.”

Natalia: “Hello.”

Amilee: *Waves*

Writer M: “So, my good minions readers, I will have my darling characters introduce themselves. Amilee, why don’t you start?”

Fayne: “Wait, what are you wearing?”

Writer M: “Clothes from the real world.”

Fayne: “Wait, Byd is the real world!”

Writer M: “Ummmm... Amilee! Go on!”

Amilee: *Speaking quickly.* “So, umm, I’m Amilee, and my currently not present familiar is an owl named Jayu. I’m one of the girls from from Havarte, the main headquarters for the rebel organization the Sisterhood. I originally attended Beda Academy, the Sisterhood school, and was kicked out when...”

Writer M: “What?”

Fayne: “Just let somebody else go. She shouldn’t have to talk about the painful parts.”

Writer M: “She accidentally killed someone. Her power is complicated, and her mom left her with her grandma when she was four. Henry, you next.”